
The critical role of stroma in cancer development and normalization

Historically, cancer research has emphasized the uncontrolled proliferation of cells forming tumors, neglecting the crucial role of the tumor microenvironment. Recent studies reveal that the stroma plays an active biological role in cancer progression. Disruptions in stromal organization can facilitate cancer development, highlighting the stroma as a promising target for paradigm-changing cancer treatments.

Effective treatments through advanced biological modeling

Biological modeling is inherently complex, as organisms continuously change and co-evolve with their environments. Traditional systems biology and -omics approaches offer insights into molecular mechanisms but fall short in addressing multilevel and multiscale biological phenomena like cancer. Onteis bridges this gap through interdisciplinary collaboration among mathematicians, physicists, and biologists. Our work is grounded in the Theory of Organism, providing a hybridized framework for biological modeling. This approach has demonstrated its viability in research studies, effectively modeling the intricate interdependencies between stroma and cellular proliferation.